A space for you
Believing that each person has direct access to Spirit, our time together becomes a three-way conversation between you, myself, and your understanding of God/Spirit/the Divine Mystery/Higher Power - whatever framework you use to describe that which is greater than yourself, that brings you perspective, love & meaning.
honoring you
As a universalist, a mystic, and an interfaith and humanist chaplain, I meet you in your own faith language and practices. We explore at your own pace.
I’m curious to get to know you and support you further along your path to embracing the life that brings you fully alive.
social justice& liberation
We all carry the pain of living in this unjust society. We have all been taught to deny parts of ourselves in order to survive and maintain our society's systemic oppression. In exploring how you are not alone in this pain, you can more easily turn towards and recognize your own sacred.
sacred exploration
You bring the details of your personal life and spiritual journey. I hold the container of sacred exploration. We both are inviting and tuning in to the presence of Spirit/God/Mystery/that which is greater than yourself and guides you.