towards liberation
Explore how to intentionally shift your perspective.
This chart is a tool for naming the patterns that we have been unconsciously conditioned to enact. My work is to implicitly and sometimes explicitly accompany folks who desire to shift their lives towards living more consciously in alignment with our individual and collective liberation.
Serves hierarchical power
(ie power over) -
Limits the possibility of change.
Individual is valued based on what they produce
Risk taking discouraged w/ judgement & calling-out
Pressure to be correct
Shame, guilt, & perfectionism as tools to maintain status quo.
Limited and expected outcomes
Focus on product
Harsh pressure to fit in
Motivated by fear of failure and scarcity
Dis-embodied denial & minimization
Focused on intellect and written word
Isolates & dehumanizes
Serves equitable (ie power with) dynamics.
Encourages reflection, growth & transformation.
Unconditional acceptance of each person's inherent worth
Risk taking encouraged by inviting/calling-in
Curiosity about possibilities, mistakes as opportunities
Supports exploration and individual agency supported
Multitude of possibilities
Focus on relationship
Gentle & Inclusive
Motivated by compassion, love and abundance
Fully embodied and present
Values all types of knowing and understanding
Interconnection, sense of belonging & community